Sunday, August 23, 2009

How to Decorate Your Events Venue

Events are frequently used to showcase a company’s talent and the décor used often reflects a company’s culture and style. For this very reason companies invest hundreds of thousands of dollars each year in events and require meticulous planning and attention to detail. To decorate such high profile event planners need to look at a number of key areas.


Events are held for a variety of reasons ranging from charity events to award shows but in each case the décor and design should follow a strict theme. The theme should be related to the events purpose and be in keeping with your company’s belief and ethos. As a planner you should try to convey a clear message through your desi
gn. Many planners identify their theme after they have clearly set the goals and objectives of the event. Popular themes include Rome and James Bond.

Time of Year

Season plays an important role within event planning as your décor, design and setup will be greatly affected by the weather. Traditionally event popularity peeks in the summer as the weather is warm and planners can embrace the natural sun light and warmth. Decorations and light can be used to give a feeling of warmth in the winter.


Decorations are key to the look of an event and should follow the theme you have identified above. Planners often spend the majority of their budget in this area as they can be perceived to have the biggest visual impact. Table decorations and chair covers for events tend to be some of the most popular types of decoration. Planners also put a big emphasis on banqueting chair covers. These small touches all help add to the atmosphere and provide a fun atmosphere for your guests.

Venue Size

The size of the venue will play a huge role in the decorations you plan to use. Large venues will require much larger decorations to help fill the space while smaller venues will need more subtle ones. Again the theme will play a large part in this. Planners should also look into the shape of a venue as some venues offer awkward spaces to work with. If the space is compartmented then it might be worth while using some variations in the theme from area to area. This makes each area unique and exciting. The decorations in your venue should engage your audience and add to the overall experience.

When decorating any events venue the majority of a planner’s time should be put in to planning and research. Finding decorations that will suit your event takes time and taking the time to visit various suppliers usually pays off. The internet is a popular resource for finding such suppliers and you may have to go to extra lengths to find the perfect decoration. Most suppliers will also offer bulk discount on items and you can often negotiate with them. Remember to follow your plan carefully and review the areas mentioned above.

Author Resource:->
James Dane - Writer for the entertainment industry and specialist designer of banqueting chair covers
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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why we Love Horror Movies?

Jason Voorhees

We enjoy seeing people run for their lives. Unfortunately some people have a real sick predilection to see blood, human blood and seemingly the more the better. As sick and twisted as it is this is one of the realities of our movie going experience. Others enjoy seeing people loose their heads, pun intended. As long as ours remain intact, all is well in the world.

The Bad Guys

Where would the horror movie genre be without one of the craziest guys to ever don a hockey mask such as Jason Voorhees or better still, if John Carpenter hadn't given birth to such a Jacko' (Sorry) I mean wacko like Michael Myers? Or even the masterfully written and intriguing Jig Saw in the Saw series who happens to be one of my favorite "boogie men". Or how about Jack Nicholson's horrifying performance in Steven Kings "The Shining". But if I had to throw a monster in that mix, and grant it this next selection is female, I would have to say that the "highly over protective" alien from the movie Aliens deserves to be in the conversation. The movie and its villainous Alien is certainly one of the chief reasons the movie remains a favorite of most lovers of the genre. It's certainly pretty high and green on my list.

But...Wait don't go in the closet!

Something that most moviegoers will never understand is why so many times the heroine in a horror movie whenever hearing some kind of strange noise coming from maybe her downstairs of her home or from her closet she always has to investigate. In real life, the average person wouldn't hesitate getting out the house if they thought there might be someone in their home. But truthfully, if it weren't for this obvious character flaw we the moviegoer wouldn't enjoy the same level of interaction with the movie's characters. And as long as the characters in the horror movies continue to do really stupid things we the moviegoer will continue to enjoy telling them about it.

So... Would you like some cheese with that sir?

Filmmakers have collaborated for years in making some of the best horror movies you can think of, many of which if I mentioned you would have probably seen and undoubtedly enjoyed. But over the course of that same period many lousy or what some would like to term "cheesy" horror movie have also been made. Movies like Motel Hell, Hellraiser or The Exorcist Part 2 just to name a few. I'm sure if you were to name some of the cheesiest horror movies you've seen I wouldn't be too surprised at some of your selections either.

I personally love horror movies so much and have been watching them since I was a small child that I have more of a tolerance for a bad or "cheesy" horror movie then most. Movies like "The Trilogy of Terror", I think I was about twelve or thirteen when first seeing this "cheesy" movie but many years later it still resonates with me as one of the movies that I would enjoy seeing over and over again.

One of the reasons I think for this tolerance is because I understand that the "horror genre" unlike some others, lends itself more to real bad stories and even worse acting. If you were to take stock of many of the movies you've seen over the years and just briefly thought about what percentage of those movies were bad and of those how many were horror movies, I think you would manage to prove my point perfectly.

I think as a lover of horror movies you understand that going in that there is a huge possibility that despite the movie's title and the appeal of its trailer that after the curtain opens a hour and half to two hours later you could leave out of the theater feeling not so good about how you just spent your time.

True lovers of the genre are just happy they had another chance to take part in the entire experience, such as it is.

Sidney R. Shannon is the creator of ScaryMovieMania the net's number one stop for all things relating to the horror movie genre. When you dare to "take a walk on the wild side" and subscribe to my blog for more great articles like this I promise to keep you on the "cutting edge". If you like to distribute this article on the internet you may do so as long as you do not alter the contents and the link remains in place. Copyright Sidney R. Shannon

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